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· Leena Aalto

Tänään on European Tourism Day!

Tänään vietetään Euroopan turismipäivää.

Voit seurata päivän ohjelmaa live streamina suoraan Brysselistä.

Klo 15.15 Suomen  aikaa pyöreän pöydän keskustelussa mukana  Nina Forsell – Executive Manager, Finnish Lapland Tourist Board

Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen

Tässä päivän ohjelma, kaikki ajat Brysselin aikaa, eli Suomessa +1

09:00-09:30 Welcome

09:30-10:10 Opening discussion
Thierry Breton – European Commissioner for Internal Market
Karima Delli – Chairwoman of the Transport and Tourism Committee, European Parliament

10:10-10:50 Orientation debate: How to create a resilient, world-leading tourism ecosystem with innovative SMEs and thriving communities?
Introduction by Torbjörn Haak – Ambassador, Deputy Permanent Representative of Sweden
to the European Union Susanne Kraus-Winkler – Secretary of State for Tourism, Federal Ministry of Labour and Economy, Austria
Hubert Gambs – Deputy Director-General, DG GROW, European Commission
Luís Araújo – President of Turismo de Portugal and President of the European Travel Commission
Petra Stušek – Managing Director at Ljubljana Tourism and President of the Board at City Destinations Alliance
Michiel Beers – Founder and CEO of Tomorrowland

Artikkeli jatkuu mainoksen jälkeen

10:50-11:20 Coffee break

11:20-11:30 Transition Pathway for Tourism – state of progress
Valentina Superti – Director for Ecosystems II: Tourism & Proximity, DG GROW, European Commission
Moderation of the event:
Kelly Agathos Interpretation
available in EN, FR, DE, ES, IT
Venue: Charlemagne building,
170 rue de la Loi, 1000 Brussels,

11:30-12:30 ROUND TABLE: Digital transition: towards the data space for EU tourism
Bjoern Juretzki – Head of Unit for Data Policy and Innovation, DG CNECT, European
Dolores Ordoñez & Jason Stienmetz – Project coordinators of the preparatory work
for the common EU data space for tourism
Oliver Csendes – Chief Digital & Innovation Officer, Austrian National Tourist Office
Urška Starc Peceny – Chief Innovation Officer and Lead of Tourism 4.0 Department, Arctur
Mafalda Borea – Head of International Business Development & ESG Lead at E-GAP

12:30-14:00 Lunch

14:00-14:15 Keynote speech on the sustainability of tourism
Zoritsa Urosevic – Executive Director, United Nations World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO)

14:15-15:15 ROUND TABLE: Green transition: sustainable tourism services and destinations
Emmanuelle Maire – Head of Unit for Circular Economy, Sustainable Production and Consumption, DG ENV, European Commission
Alexandros Vassilikos – President, HOTREC
Nina Forsell – Executive Manager, Finnish Lapland Tourist Board
Eglė Bausytė – Šmitienė – Marketing Specialist, Hotel Romantic, Lithuania
Patrizia Patti – Founder and CEO, EcoMarine Malta

15:15-15:45 Coffee break

15:45-16:45 ROUND TABLE: Skilling and upskilling of tourism actors
Manuela Geleng – Director for Jobs and Skills, DG EMPL, European Commission
Klaus Ehrlich – Co-coordinator of the large-scale skills partnership in tourism
Ana Paula Pais – Head of Education and Training, Turismo de Portugal
Fabio Viola – Founder of the ‘TuoMuseo’ international art collective
Stefan Ciubotaru – Legal officer, DG SANTE, European Commission (Junior Professional Programme)

16:45-17:00 Closing
Kerstin Jorna – Director-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, DG GROW, European Commission
Rosana Morillo Rodríguez – Secretary of State for Tourism, Spain

Leena Aalto

Ikkunapaikan konkari jo vuodesta 1998. Lehden pitkäaikainen päätoimittaja ja nykyinen advisor, joka seuraa edelleen tiiviisti matkailualan tapahtumia ja trendejä.